Part 1: Creating a backend for advanced TODO application.

Today I thought that I should start to make my portfolio and for that, I need some advanced projects to showcase my knowledge about what I know and how I implement my knowledge.

For that, I will start with implementing an advanced todo application backend which has so many functionalities which I will talk about later.

First of all, let me talk about the technologies I will use for this project.

For this project, I will use NodeJS, ExpressJS, TpyeScript, Sequelize, Postgres, and many more...

Let's talk about the functionality that I come up with is

  1. Authentication

  2. TODO crud

  3. TODO performance analysis

  4. Group Creation

  5. Group CRUD

  6. Group TODO

  7. Group TODO access

To implement this project one needs to know the above technologies and apart from that it is also required to know about relational databases.

Because of the functionalities, we will see that there are so many relationships between different modules.

So let me also tell the flow of the project

First I will clear the user requirements of this project and then I will start to list down the functionalities of the application and then the design of DB.

So this will be the flow for the application.

Now we will meet in the next blog and in that blog I will list down the functionalities and user requirements.